Healthy Holiday Baking

The holidays are here and tis the season to be baking and indulging in delicious treats. I love rich, butter filled, decadent, calorie overloaded goodies, but sometimes I need a break from it all. I think we all do!
A local television station in Salt Lake City asked me to do a T.V. spot on Healthy Holiday Baking. I talked about recipe substitutions and spotlighted three of my favorite healthy holiday treats from our blog...Honey Cinnamon Granola, Pumpkin Apple Muffins with Cinnamon Streusel Topping, and Cranberry Orange Oatmeal Cookies. I have posted all of these before, if you happened to miss them, just click on them above and you will find the recipe.
My segment aired yesterday during the noon news. I don't think I will be heading to Hollywood anytime soon, but I did have a good time. :) It was a fun experience.
I think it is important to remember your health this season! Go ahead and splurge once in awhile, but try to stick to healthy habits on most days. Eat a well balanced diet, exercise, get enough sleep, drink water, relieve some stress, and ENJOY the holidays!!

Labels: Holiday
LOVE this! Congrats on the segment! I wish I could watch it! Great reminder! I was stewing over this very topic last night!
Congrats to you! That must have been fun!
How fun that you did a cooking segment! I'm always on the lookout for healthier recipes. I'm going to have to give them a try.
Congratulations, it must have been exciting.
Congrats on your television debut! I bet Hollywood is right around the corner. I love coming here to see your healthy, delicious offerings. I will definitely be giving them a try over the next month!
That is so cool that you were on TV! Congrats! All the goodies look tasty!
Congrats .. Hope you enjiyed it
Congrats. That's so exciting for you.
You know what my problem is with healthier versions of cookies, etc? I just don't like the stuff that goes into them. I'm not fond of oatmeal or pumpkin or a lot of those things often seen in reduced-fat-and-sugar, increased-fiber-and-vitamins desserts. I'm doomed to love the bad stuff. It seems all of my blog buddies are getting famous these days.
These do look interesting though and I'm willing to give a dessert a shot if I know the baker is good. (But I think I'd still rather eat the PB cookies from the last post. ;-)).
Oooooo your goodies look wonderful! How fun to do a TV segment! I wish that I had caught it!
You did a TV show! How exciting!
Do you have a link somewhere so we could all get to see it? I am happy for you...
Love the cookies.
What fun! It sounds like it was a great time. I love your new masthead, too.
Healthy cookies are a welcomed treat this time of year!
Maria, congratulations on your cooking segment. The recipes you chose are great and your holiday tips should be taken to heart by everyone.
woooooooo......congrats that you were on TV, you should have told us earlier so we can watch you.
All these treats look amazingly delicious!!!
Good for you! What great news to be featured that way and with such great recipes. Keep em coming.
Go you!!!! Congratulations on being a local celeb!!!!! All the cookies sound delicious.
How great!! And thanks for the reminder of healthy eating this holiday season!
I definitely agree with you on this. I love the decadent, calorie-laden stuff, but sometimes you need a healthy treat as well. I wish I would've known you were on a local station- I would've checked it out!
Thanks for your nice comments, I am no where close to being a star though:)
We don't have a copy of the segment so we can't put it on our blog, sorry!!
How fun! That must've been exciting!
I'm with you... I love all the yummy holiday goodies, but everything in moderation, right? Gotta try and stay healthy! :)
My mom said you were fabulous and she recorded it so I can see it in a few weeks. So glad that you had fun. Maybe someday it will be a career move. :)
Congrats!!! I am sure that was so much fun. The healthy treats look great.
Moving up in the food world, Maria! I'm sure you were adorable on TV.
this looks delicious! Congrats Maria, I am sure you looked gorgeous on tv!
How fun! You're a superstar!! Please take me along when you get invited to meet Oprah! :)
that's so awesome!! very exciting :) ok, now i need to get to bed!
What delicious-looking baked goods!
Congrats on your television debut! That's too cool. I wish I could watch it.
holy gelato, that's awesome! i'm glad you had fun, and you never know--you may have started something serious! better you than me--i'd probably turn beet red and start stuttering like a fool in front of a camera. :)
Congrats on being asked to host! How amazing. That would be a dream come true.
Congtrats Maria! How cool is that?
Love your photos, so seasonal.
I wish I would have known so I could have watched it! I rarely watch the noon news - I'm so sad now!
Well, wow! That's pretty exciting news, congratulations. Wish I could see it.
Awesome cookies.
Just stopped by to say HI. :)
Long time no see.
How exciting, Maria! That must have been wonderful.
What a wonderful message - I bet you were fabulous on TV!!!
How fun, Maria! Your advice for surviving the holiday season is perfect, too. I just need to get moving again and I will have everything in check!
Congrats on the segment! I hope you did well and were not too nervous!!!
Whoa, good for you Maria!!! I wish I coulda heard it!!! :) :) :)
I love your new pic. You guys are beautiful!
Very nice opportunity, congratulations!
These healthy treats are a fabulous idea. I must try these!
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