Baked Potato and Sweet Potato Chips

I am more of a sweets kind of girl, but sometimes I crave something salty. When that happens I reach for the chips, not any kind of chip though. I am picky:) I love chips and salsa, but I am not a fan of the regular, greasy, store bought chips. I prefer to make my own.
Making your own potato chips is so easy and it doesn't take long...and guess what you DON'T need to fry them! I am serious here. You can bake them in the oven and get the same, crispy results.
All you have to do is slice the potatoes really thin...we use our mandoline, makes this step easy and fun:) We used russet potatoes and sweet potatoes. Next, you season them...we kept it basic-salt and pepper and seasoned salt on half of them. Then you bake them! It is that easy!!
So if you don't mash up all of your potatoes this week. Give these chips a chance. They are the perfect snack for game day. I know there is going to be a lot of football on and everyone needs something to munch on during tense moments:) Plus, after indulging all week you need something a little bit healthy:)

Baked Potato/Sweet Potato Chips
2 medium potatoes (we used russet and sweet potato, leave the skins on)
Cooking Spray-we used a canola spray
salt and pepper to taste or seasoned salt...or use whatever seasonings you like! You can really go wild here!
Directions: Slice potatoes to about 1/8" thickness. We used our mandoline. Spread out in a single layer on a baking sheet that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Briefly spray the tops of the potatoes with cooking spray too. Sprinkle with seasonings.
Bake at 425 for 20-25 minutes. Start checking the chips at about 15 minutes. Remove chips that are browning...the sweet potatoes got done faster than the russets. Continue to bake, but keep an eye on them. Let them cool and then enjoy!
Labels: Snack
Great idea! I have some left over tatoes. I may do this tonight!
Nice idea. I will have to try this as we loved the wedges i made a few weeks ago.
YUM! I am going to make some sweet potato chips with cinnamon!
SWEET POTATOES!!!!!!! My obsession.
Glad to hear that baking produces the same crunch as frying. Healthy potato chips - who would have thought!
Looks so yummy!
I want these sweet potatoes!!! ~~~~~~ Unfortunately I don't have mandolin to slice them thin enough to be chips instead of chunks.
Great idea! I can't wait to try them.
I just realized that I've never made potato chips before. This is a great and healthy recipe. Happy Thanksgiving!
what a reason to bust out the mandoline i recently got for the bday :) have a great thanksgiving!!!
wow... i love your chips... baking makes them healthier, ummm, right? :)
wow .. that looks really nice
So wonderful!! I love the sweet/salty combo of sweet potato chips. I'm adding "mandolin" to my Christmas list! Happy Thanksgiving!
I love these kind of chips. I am a salty snacker so this is right up my alley.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yummy!!! The perfect snack to watch a movie while it's freezing outside!!!
Those look so yummy. I have a mandolin coming this Christmas. I can't wait to use it! I think this may be the first thing I do with it!
yes those do look good and they are good for you since you baked them.
happy turkey day chicklet!!
I am not much of a potato chip fan either . . . but sweet potato chips are an exception! Love'em! great recipe! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
The potato chips looks so yummy.
I've been craving chips for a few days but haven't been able to get out of the house because of heavy rain. I have heaps of potatoes so I'll be trying these today.
Brilliant! Ya'll think of the coolest things!
I have a whole mess of potatoes than I'm gonna try this with, these really look fantastic! Happy Thanksgiving!
Ooh, I am horrible at this. Usually when I get into a snacking spiral, it starts with sweet, then some salty, then sweet, then some more salty... Sigh. But at least if I bake my chips they'd be that much healthier! Thanks so much for the recipe!
These look absolutely delicious...and easy! Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. :)
Michelle, Mocha and Quincy
What a great idea Maria. I must try these out :)
Rosie x
These look so good! Much better than the store bought stuff. I will need to give this a try.
i've been a potato chip lover all my life (well, since my teeth came in, at least), but i've recently decided that sweet potatoes are the bees' knees and i don't need regular potatoes in any form any more. that'll probably last another week or two. :)
great chips, of course. :)
Did you know you can make chips in the microwave? Just toss with oil and salt, put them on a plate in a single layer and do 4 minutes on one side and 2 on the other. They come out REALLY crunchy though.
i love sweet potato chips. i love that you baked them instead of frying them
Might want to be careful asking for a "mandolin", you might get a music instrument especially if you are asking the hubby for it. LOL I put in a search and only got the musical instrument.
I thought I was the only one pickey about chips! I love to bake them too.
this is why I need a mandoline!! (Another thing to add to my Christmas wish list!)
I have always wanted to make my own potato chips, they look tasty.
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