Roasted Pumpkin Seeds and Caramel Apples

Happy Halloween!
What is everyone doing to celebrate???? We don't have huge plans, we are staying home to pass out candy. Our new neighborhood has a lot of kids so hopefully we will get a good turnout. My niece is coming over to trick or treat too. I can't wait to see her in her angel costume! I am sure we will take her around to some houses. She has been practicing "Trick or Treat." Josh might dress up but I am going to be my boring old self.
Earlier this week we carved pumpkins at my sister's house. It was a fun night with the family. Aubrey helped carve her first pumpkin. Josh did ours...he loves carving pumpkins. He usually takes forever but he had a time limit this year so he couldn't do anything too fancy! I roasted the pumpkin seeds and made caramel apples. Everyone had a great time.
Crissy and Aubrey carving their pumpkin!

Josh cleaning out the guts!

Josh's pumpkin. He didn't want me to post this picture because he thinks he did a terrible job, but I like it!

Roasted pumpkin seeds with a bit of salt! A great snack!

We also did a cinnamon and sugar version! YUM!

I made caramel apples with Heath bar chunks!

We didn't have time for them to cool so we ate them warm.
Gooey and Delicious!

Aubrey kept shouting, "Best Ever!" She loved the apples!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Clean out the seeds from your pumpkin of choice. Wash off the "guts" and pat them dry with a paper towel.
Spray a baking sheet lined with foil and spread out the seeds. Season with salt or cinnamon and sugar. Both are tasty!
Bake at 400 degrees for about ten minutes, turn them. And bake another five minutes or so. Keep an eye on them so they don't burn. They don't take that long. Let them cool and enjoy!
Caramel Apples with Toffee Chunks
Wash 5 apples, we used Granny Smith. The tart apples are so good with the sweet:)
Jab 5 sticks into the tops-they came with our caramels. Get out a sheet of wax paper or foil. If using foil lightly spray with cooking spray.
Open up a bag of caramels and unwrap them.
Heat them on medium low in a medium sauce pan with two tablespoons of water. Stir frequently until melted.
Dip the apples in the caramel. You may need to use a spoon to get the apples completely covered in caramel. Set them on the wax paper or foil.
Chop up Heath bars or candy/topping of your choice and stick them on the apples.
Let cool if you have time or enjoy right away like we did!!
Have a SPOOKY DAY!!!
Labels: Apple, Family and Friends, Snack