Healthy Sweet Potato Fries

I never knew I liked sweet potatoes until a couple of years ago. I never had them growing up. Well, I take that back...the only kind I ever knew of were the ones with marshmallows at Thanksgiving time and those do not appeal to me at all! Yuck! But now, they are a staple! I love them when they are cooked right:)
Roasted sweet potatoes are my favorite. They are so flavorful! They taste like candy, but better for you! Sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A, C, maganese, a great source of fiber, potassium, and iron! Plus, they are a fun bright orange color!
If you haven't tried sweet potatoes, try these "fries." They are good and good for you! Feel free to spice them up however you like. I like them with salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary! YUM!!

Sweet Potato Fries
1 large sweet potato
Olive Oil cooking spray
Fresh Rosemary
1. Peel the sweet potato and cut it into look like fries! Try to make them all the same size so they cook evenly.
2. Spray a baking sheet and put the potato fries on the sheet, spaced out.
3. Spray the fries lightly with the cooking spray.
4. Sprinkle with seasonings...salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary. Or use whatever spices you like. 5. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 30-40 minutes. Make sure you turn the fries every ten minutes or so.
6. Let them cool briefly and dig in!
Oh I will definitely be trying these! I was the same way, not much of a sweet potato fan. it's only been the last couple of years that I have eaten some at Thanksgiving. These fries look fabulous though, can't wait to try them!
i personally feel that regular ol' taters can't hold a candle to the sweet potato. they're not as pretty, they're not as tasty, and they're not as healthy. kudos to you for recognizing their goodness. :)
Maria, I have a your fries get crispy? No matter how I try mine are always limp. I love the flavor but miss the crunch.
These look wonderful. I have done sweet potato chips by roasting them in the oven, but not the fries. Great, healthy snack!
Oh my gosh I've tried these before too and they are my favorite. I think I made them every day for a month...then I got pregnant and nauseous and couldn't eat anything for a while. Funny I just bought sweet potatoes at the store a couple days ago to make this amazing treat. You're right too, they do taste like candy. I'm glad you said olive oil cooking spray--great idea because I just used plain old olive oil, which I'm sure can be a lot more fattening.
I love sweet potato chips (fries). The rosemary sounds good. I always add ome chilli flakes too for that extra spice
mmm i love sweet potato fries! they're just delicious! i love putting rosemary on mine.
Oh sweet potato fries rock my world!!!!!!!!
I like them so much better than regular spud fries!!!!!!
Thanks for your comment on my DB's crackers. They were suprisingly rather good!
They look great! We have a little neighborhood restaurant here, and they serve them with a spicy ranch dip. There goes the "healthy " part though, I guess. Well, maybe just remember moderation.
Sweet potato fries utterly destroy regular fries in terms of tastiness. I love them sweet, savory, plain... it's all good :)
Great recipe for a Fall party :)
Boy, these look good. I was never much of a sweet potato fan, but now that I'm older, I like 'em. I know I would really enjoy the fries version, just like this. I'm impressed that you got them cut in such a uniform fashion. I'm somewhat intimidated by that...not to mention a little lazy sometimes.
I love sweet potato fries! Probably one of my favorite foods.
You've been doing a lot of baking & cooking.
I love sweet potato fries too. We eat them at least 2x a week. If you dip the fries in egg whites, add the seasonings, and then bake them they develop a bit of a crunchy crust. Make sure not to let them tough each other as baking as they will get limp when you over-crowd them in a pan.
Also, if you're ever so inclined, try frying these in peanut oil for a wonderful crispy frie. Delish!
I love sweet potato fries. For the longest time we always went to the same restaurant for my birthday and the restaurant had the best sweet potato fries...unfortunately it isn't around still. Now, I'm going to head off and make some of my own!
Potato fries are delicious! And made in the oven, I feel I can endulge more! Good!
Yum! Ya'll are like the veggie go to people!
I love sp fries. Yummy!
mmmm sweet potato fries! Thanks for the recipe, sounds fab! I actually like sweet potatoes much better than regular white tatoes!
Yeah, Mom made us eat them too! Sick -and not in the good way. Not to mention they have more calories than the pumpkin pie!
These however look GREAT. Ben is such a fan of this food I think I might just have to make them for him. And who knows, I might even like them too!
sweet potatoes are usually boiled or fried with caramelized sugar here in this part of the world... but yours looks like we can enjoy this in a much healthier way... :)
I have been wanting to try these. I'm the only one in my family that likes sweet potatoes.
You ll never beleive this. I ve never ate sweet potato. They re not that common here. These look good and crispy :-)
I love sweet potato fries problem is you get hooked on them and hate going back to regular fries.
This is such a healthy and guilt free snack it ...will give it a try :)
I didn't know I liked sweet potatoes until last year, and now I can't get enough of them! You can never go wrong with sweet potato fries!
I love making fries like this!
I always buy frozen ones from Trader Joes but, these look way more delicious and simple enough to make too.
Sweet potato fries are so good!
AH! See, that's my problem! I never turned the fries! That must be why they ALWAYS burn! Thanks for the recipe, I can't wait to make these!
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